ServicingBefore founding Ash Enterprises, John Hare originally worked for Spitz, servicing their machines in Michigan. Word spread throughout the planetarium community about the quality work he provided, and thus we were able to expand and provide our excellent service internationally. To this day we still provide service for all Spitz Optical-Mechanical projectors, and make sure you get the best deal possible.
These projecors continue to last, especially when you choose Ash as your maintenance provider. We offer very reasonably priced and flexible annual maintenance contracts, along with one time service agreements. Ash also keeps a warehouse full of Spitz and parts from every projector. If you just need a replacement part shipped, just give us a call, we probably have it. Keep in mind that we will offer you credit on various used planetarium equipment, should you choose to upgrade to a newer setup with us in the future.
Ash Exclusive Upgrades
LED Star Lamp - All Spitz
Ash is offering a revolutionary LED star lamp replacement for all Spitz opti-mechanical projectors. This new light source is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the original Spitz arc lamp. It provides a much longer life span, crisper more vibrantly colorful stars, a more even illumination of the sky, and vastly improved safety compared to the original lamp.
All Spitz: $3595.00 + Shipping and Handling |
LED Moon -A3p, A4, 512, 1024
Ash now offers a LED moon replacement for your Spitz; A3p, A4, 512, or 1024 projector. As always with all the LED replacements we sell, these are exponentially longer lasting, provides a brighter and a clearer picture. This product will require a technician onsite to install.
A3P: $550 + Installation A4, 512,1024: $250.00 + Installation |
LED Sun, Planets, Cardinal Points, etc.
Bright and crystal clear, that's what you will get with our LED projectors. Not to mention a much longer lasting lifespan, so you won't have to worry about the planets not showing in your sky. These products will require a technician onsite to install, and properly adjust the projectors.